Monday, March 25, 2013

glass walls, ceilings, floors, doors . . .

This was on FB the other day : recommended reading :

An interesting article, and right up my alley since I went to art school in Germany in the 1970's -- specifically Staedelschule, in Frankfurt, from 1973-78 -- so experienced this firsthand.  (The only thing the director of the school ever had to say to me was "oh, you're looking chic today!", and whenever I asked to join his class he would exclaim "oh, it's full" ...)

And, apparently, not much has changed!  But we know this.  Every once in awhile someone comments on the preponderance of male artists in the German contemporary art scene.  Not just artists, but curators, and other power machers, of every art professional persuasion ...  Though, it might be, hopefully, a dying breed ...

However, aside from that, what I found interesting about this article was that in fact things are not perfect -- even though we generally look to art to express perfection in every way.  Particularly, that it be forward thinking and progressive and ahead of the curve, always.  And clearly it's not.  So, we can all get back to work trying to make it so.

Perhaps the truth lies in the striving.  And recognizing that there is still a long way to go.

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